
Some visitors to Western Cove notice the fig tree on a vacant allotment
on the Esplanade and head for it.
The figs ripen progessively from mid March to early May and make tasty
eating. The owner has apparently not complained and the figs otherwise
go to the birds or fall and rot.
On this day I encountered Norma, Vincent and Virgil, originallly from
the Philippines but now living in Tenant Creek, Northern Territory.
Virgil (third in the first photo) said he has lived in
Australia for 26 years.
They were on Kangaroo Island for three days and staying at Western
Cove, making it their base for touring the Island.
On the other side of the fig tree (second photo), on a five-day visit
to KI, lurked Joseph Smiech. He is from Germany but grew up in Adelaide
and is now retired.
This was Joe's first trip to Kangaroo Island since the 1970s when his
brother owned a shack at American River.
On the morning of the day the photo was taken Joe intended to drive his
Astra 16
kilometres from Kingscote to Western Cove but forgot his map, took a
wrong turn, and found himself at Vivonne Bay on the south coast of the
He asked for directions at the General Store where a helpful young man
explained a "short cut". More than fifty kilometres of dust, gravel and
corrugations later Joe reached Western River Cove on the north-west
coast. After inspecting the area he realized that Western River Cove is
not Western Cove and figured he might be lost.
To cut the story short, Joe got to Western Cove late in the afternoon
and found the fig tree — and he likes figs.
Joe had intended to travel only on sealed roads during his five days on
KI and see places between Stokes Bay and Penneshaw but by getting
lost saw much more of the Island than planned!