Western Cove is not a major tourist destination but a steady trickle of visitors turn up.

Some stay for an hour or two on the beach.

Others park a van or caravan overnight or stay with someone who owns a house at Western Cove.


In October 1998 one of Adelaide's bike clubs toured Kangaroo Island.  On this particular morning they had left American River and paused at Western Cove for a rest, refreshments and to let stragglers catch up.


Douglas Davies at Western Cove (left) and Penneshaw (right)

Mr Douglas Davies (b. 1947) is a taxi driver in Melbourne. He first visited Western Cove in 1998 and has returned about five times.

"Doug" has since the 1980s travelled all over Australia, first in a Holden panel van and currently in a Holden ute with a cover or cabin over the back. His other main interest is reading. During his trips he stops at opportunity shops everywhere to buy cheap books and now has rooms full of boxes of books at home stacked to the ceiling.